Judge Barry L. Breslow

Washoe County Nevada Probate Judge Barry L. Breslow

Judge Barry L. Breslow

Dishonorable Judge Barry L. Breslow is a judge for the Washoe County 2nd Judicial District Court, Nevada. Appointed by former Governor Brian Sandoval in 2017, subsequently remained for 2018-2020. Replaced Hon. Lidia Stiglich.

Judge Barry L. Breslow received a B.A.1984  political science Rutgers University. Earned his J.D. from Ohio State University, Moritz College of Law 1987.

Breslow served as law clerk to the Judge Howard D. McKibben U.S. District Court Nevada 1987.

Barry Breslow joined law firm of Robinson, Belaustegui, Sharp, & Lowan and served as an arbitrator, mediator, and facilitator. Also an arbitrator for Nevada Supreme Court-annexed arbitration program for Washoe and Clark Counties.

Barry Breslow served as a judge pro tem for Reno Municipal Court presiding over criminal matters.

Judge Barry L. Breslow also presided over civil and criminal matters. Also assisting with probate matters he served as the presiding judge for the Second Judicial District’s Mental Health Court.

Member of Washoe County Bar Association, Nevada State Bar, Bruce R. Thompson Inns of Court, State Bar Disciplinary Panel, and the Northern Nevada Chapter Association of Defense Counsel.

Judge Barry L. Breslow is a resident of Nevada, Married and has two children.


Judge Barry Breslow: DETR progress moving too slowly

Not good enough sums up Judge Barry Breslow’s review of Nevada’s Department of Employment, Training, and Rehabilitation (DETR).

He says this state agency responsible for paying unemployment insurance and benefits has not measured up to his court order handed down earlier this month.

Here’s the conclusion after reviewing all the facts today.

“The court is encouraged to learn that additional resources both human resources and technology advancement resources are being deployed to work through the problems. The court continues to be concerned that the progress however under the circumstances that people find themselves here in Nevada are moving way too slowly,” said Judge Barry Breslow of the Second Judicial District Court.

Judge orders former Nevada lawman to wear ankle monitor ahead of trial

District Court Judge Barry Breslow ordered a former Nevada lawman to wear an ankle monitor for his alleged intimating behavior in a kidnapping case on Friday.

Stewart Handte, the former Mineral County sheriff, is accused of helping his friend Roger Hillygus get his 80-year-old mother out of a Reno nursing home in August 2019 after law enforcement said he could not take custody of her. The state charged the two men and the case has been pending in court.

The Robing Room
Be sure to rate this judge on the Robing Room to warn others of her antic’s, lack of due process and judicial corruption


Remove & Indict Lynching, Nevada judicial employee Judge Barry L. Breslow

Nevada Judicial predator Judge Barry L. Breslow uses Washoe County, Nevada taxpayer courts to LYNCH Nevada citizens who expose the State of Nevada Slavery/Human trafficking racket.

The State of Nevada kidnaps Nevada mothers, fathers, children and loved one in a slavery/trafficking racket it runs to steal their property and possessions. This racket is run by the state of Nevada by stealing/stripping the inalienable rights of its citizens and tourists and removing them from their homes and loved ones, so it can steal their possessions in Nevada slavery/human trafficking courts.

Once the state of Nevada has stolen their life savings, their victims are murdered by lethal drugs, starvation and abuse. The family members are viciously retaliated, threatened and falsely arrested to silence and terrorize them.

The state of Nevada calls their slavery/ human trafficking racket where it steals the inalienable rights of its citizens and tourists by fabricated “protection sounding names” such as “guardianship”

Judicial Predator Judge Barry Breslow is lynching the son of a human trafficking victim and a law enforcement official who are whistleblowers to the racket. They attempted to rescue the Nevada mother from this racket that stole her possessions, who themselves are Crime Victims of the State of Nevada. The Nevada mother was later murdered by the State of Nevada trafficking racket.

Judicial Predator Judge Barry L. Breslow is retaliating against the Whistleblowers and Crime Victims and covering up the racket. Judicial Predator Judge Barry L. Breslow has falsely, illegally and unlawfully incarcerated the law enforcement officer and threatening and extorting the Victim’s son.

Judicial Predator Judge Barry L. Breslow must be removed from his position as a judicial public servant, indicted and sentenced.

Please sign this Petition and demand criminal accountability for the State of Nevada Slavery/Human Trafficking Racket and Judicial Predator, Judge Barry L. Breslow.



Find other victims of the same dishonorable judges, unethical, immoral lawyers and corrupt government that ignores your cries for help and justice all while helping the these criminals



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